We have a small house. And by small, I mean teeny-tiny. When Denny and I bought if 5 years ago, we bought it for the two of us. Not even once thinking about the future and what the coming days might hold for us. No realizing that there might some day be more than just the two of us sharing that space. But the years have gone by faster than we ever could have imagined and two has turned into three, and come May, three will become four.
The only problem is, we don't have enough space in our house for all of our things and another person. And all of his things. The room that will eventually become the baby's nursery is now an office. And a storage room. And the closet holds all of my clothes because the master closet in only large enough to accommodate Denny's things. There is just so much stuff that we can't bear to part with, yet we have no where to put it.
Like my wedding dress. And the red dress and shoes that I wore to our wedding rehearsal. Things that I will never again wear, but that I must always keep. A sewing machine. A gun cabinet/safe which houses all of our important documents. A freezer. Yes, we have a freezer in a bedroom. Remember? There is no where else to put it.
And now all of this has got me freaking out. I am in Super Nesting Mode today and I just want to get rid of so. many. things. My husband, on the other hand, wants to get rid of nothing. For example, I would be perfectly fine with selling the Wii Fit - the one that we've had for a year now and have used maybe 5 times. (You can't really play video games when you have an almost 2 year old underfoot. With a new baby on the way, I don't see how we will ever have the time again!) It's funny how pregnancy hormones make you think so irrationally, isn't it? There are 4 1/2 months to go before the baby is due, and even then, he will sleep in our room in a bassinet for the first few months. But my brain is telling me that I must make a nursery for him RIGHT NOW. I'd better go get started.
New News
Posted in Photography Is My First Love on Wednesday, September 22, 2010 9:21 PM by MeganSorry that I've been so quiet lately. I've been super, super busy working on a new project. Remember a few months ago when I talked about my dream of becoming a professional photographer? Well I went and made it happen. If you'd like to see my new photography website, it's right here. Thanks for the support!
Our Quick Getaway
Posted in I Have The Best Husband EVER, Our Travels on Thursday, August 19, 2010 4:04 PM by Megan
Denny & I wanted to spend some quality, baby-free time together before summer ended, so we planned a quick trip to Atlanta. We packed a lot of stuff into only 2 days and we had an amazing time! The only thing I didn't like was being away from Emily for so long. It's the longest we've been apart so far and although it was was much needed, I don't think I'll be doing it again any time soon.
On our way to Atlanta, we stopped in Juliette to eat lunch at the Whistle Stop Cafe. We tried to eat there on our last trip up north but sadly, it was closed. We had much better luck this time! Of course we tried the fried green tomatoes which were good, but I am just not really a fan of tomatoes. The dipping sauce was awesome though.
On our way to Atlanta, we stopped in Juliette to eat lunch at the Whistle Stop Cafe. We tried to eat there on our last trip up north but sadly, it was closed. We had much better luck this time! Of course we tried the fried green tomatoes which were good, but I am just not really a fan of tomatoes. The dipping sauce was awesome though.
I wanted to stay and walk around and take more pictures but it was just SO HOT. Denny was practically begging me to get in the car and go! We then stopped in Macon at Bass Pro Shop. Can you guess who wanted to stop there? We have one in Savannah but Denny said that it would be different, so he had to check it out. After that we were off to a store that I have been wanting to go to for years - IKEA! Those 3 hours that we spent there were my favorite part of the whole weekend. Seriously, if you have never been to an Ikea, GO! I could have lived in there. No really, there were beds and bathrooms and kitchens and I literally could have lived in there. While we were there we had to try some of their swedish meatballs. I didn't get a picture of them but trust me, they were good.
Did I mention that we got lost trying to find Ikea? Well we did. And then we got majorly lost when we left. We wanted to go to downtown Atlanta and check out the Olympic Park and Underground Atlanta. When we finally found what we were looking for, we were too scared to even get out of the car. I had assumed that we would be ok - we were right in the middle of everything. The World of Coke, CNN, the aquarium and the zoo were all right there, but let's just say that Atlanta's major attractions are not in the safest area. Or maybe it was because it was 6:00 on a Sunday evening. I bet that it is much different during the week, or at least I hope it is!
After we fled for our lives, I wanted to find a Kohl's store and check that out since I'd never been. If you've never been either, don't go. Seriously, don't even waste your time. So after getting lost again, we made one last stop to eat dinner at The Varsity! I was so super excited to eat there. I'd never been but had always wanted to go and it is super famous here in Georgia. I don't really like hot dogs but I just had to get one and I'm sorry if I upset you by what I'm about to say but, GROSS. There was absolutely nothing special about it and it tasted just like the ones at Krystal. Our fries weren't that good either and I honestly don't understand why the place is so popular! Here are some pictures anyway.
After dinner we were exhausted and tired of riding so it was time to find our hotel and get some sleep. And do you know what we did? We got lost. Again! In my defense, we did have our GPS with us but our hotel didn't show up on it. The funny thing is, we stopped to get gas as soon as we got off on our exit. Then we left the gas station and drove around for about 15 minutes looking for our hotel, only to find out that it was right behind the gas station where we had just been. We were literally a few hundred feet away from it and didn't even know it!
The second day of our trip was spent at Six Flags and we could not have picked a better day to go. Other than it being about 100 degrees that day and being covered in sweat after being there for an hour, it was unbelievably fun. We went on a Monday and the park was so empty! The first ride that we rode was the Scream Machine and we rode all by ourselves! We rode several rides without ever having to stand in line and the longest line we stood in was maybe 30 minutes. I didn't take my camera because I didn't want to have to keep up with it all day, and I'm glad we didn't take any pictures because we both looked like a hot mess. It was fun spending time with my sweety and it was so much fun to see him get scared when we were going up the first hill on all of the roller coasters. I can't wait until Emily is big enough to go!
Emily's Second Summer
Posted in on Wednesday, August 4, 2010 7:05 PM by Megan
We have been busy at times, and not-so-busy at times, but at all times, I have been taking pictures so that I can remember what we have been doing. I have not updated this blog in over two months and I am so sad about that. I don't write anything in Emily's baby book - this is the only record that I keep of her life - and I haven't been keeping up with it at all. Hopefully I will do better.......
June 2010
For my birthday on the 1st, Denny got me the 50mm lens that I had been wanting for my camera. It is AMAZING. And this is my favorite picture that I have taken with it so far.
We made several trips to the park. Slides are so much fun!
Being silly at Grandmama's house.
She would spank me if she knew I put this on here.
She learned how to spin in a circle and make herself dizzy.
May 2010
Her hair was so short compared to how long it is now!
Her daddy put her water balls in her bathingsuit. And she didn't like it.
Mother's Day
She is just so beautiful
She loves to play with my phone
June 2010
For my birthday on the 1st, Denny got me the 50mm lens that I had been wanting for my camera. It is AMAZING. And this is my favorite picture that I have taken with it so far.
We made several trips to the park. Slides are so much fun!
Being silly at Grandmama's house.
She would spank me if she knew I put this on here.
She learned how to spin in a circle and make herself dizzy.
And I promise that she doesn't wear the same clothes every day.
She also learned how to "drive" the golf cart so now we have to be careful to always take out the key.
This is dark and out-of-focus but I had to show you what happens when her daddy gives her a bath.
My favorite dress
Such a funny expression!
She helps her daddy pick up sticks and pine cones in the yard.
We always call her "bucket-head" when she does this.
At the river.
Emily's Granny & Pop went on a big boat adventure and we dropped them off at the river.
As always, she loved the water.
You can't tell by the look on her face but she loves to swing!
She climbed the stairs and went down the slide all by herself!
Playing dress-up with mommy's clothes
Having a cool drink
She definitely has her daddy's sense of humor
July 2010
The pool and the water hose have had a lot of use on these hot summer days
This is the biggest slide she's gone down on her own
Taking it slow
Those curls kill me. I hope they never go away.
I found her sleeping this way one morning. I hope she wasn't uncomfortable!
Falling asleep on the job
Taking a break from the crowd at our family reunion
(more pictures from that day here)
Family Reunion - July 10, 2010
Posted in on Wednesday, August 4, 2010 7:04 PM by Megan
My grandmother's family on my mom's side of the family had a reunion last month - the first one in several years. Here is what I captured from that day......
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